The following are the resources available on the net for forensic science which one acan access to update knowledge or improve qualifications:
with compliments from
Smt.Sharada Avadhanam
for all your queries in forensic sciencecontact: avadhanam sharadaAPPolice academy,hyderabad hyderabad
CRIMINALJUSTICERESOURCES:ForensicScienceForensics or forensic science is the application of science to questions which are of interest to the legal system. For example, forensic pathology is the study of the human body to determine cause and manner of death. Criminalistics is the application of various sciences to answer questions relating to examination and comparison of biological evidence, trace evidence, impression evidence, drugs and firearms. Forensic odontology is the study of the uniqueness of dentition, and forensic toxicology is the study of drugs and poisons, and their effects on the human body. Sherlock Holmes, the fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was, in fact, the inspiration for forensic science. Decades later, the comic strip, Dick Tracy also featured the detective using a considerable number of forensic methods although sometimes the methods were more fanciful. The popular television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation depicts a glamorized version of the activities of forensic scientists. Visit the Forensics entry from the Wikipedia for more information.
Scouring a crime scene for evidence in the form of maggots and flies isn’t an activity that only applies to the latest episode of “CSI.� It’s a science, and a field that’s growing in importance. Michigan State University has the nation’s oldest and largest forensic science program, and it is one of only two universities in the United States to offer an online course. Taught by Richard Merritt, chairperson of entomology, and doctoral student Ryan Kimbirauskas, two of the nation’s 11 board certified forensic entomologists, the online course, which began in January, teaches the various ways insects can and have been used as evidence in trials. Together, Merritt and Kimbirauskas have more than 25 years of professional experience in the field and have appeared in court as expert witnesses. They also are actively involved in on-going criminal investigations.
The course, entitled “Forensic Entomology: The Role of Insects in Crime Scene Investigations,� lets students follow the same steps a forensic entomologist would take while collecting and analyzing evidence. Armed with the information presented in the lectures, students or crime scene investigators walk through a virtual crime scene where a murder has occurred. Just as a professional forensic entomologist would do, the student investigators will collect evidence and estimate when the victim was murdered. Finally, the investigator will construct a report detailing what they’ve uncovered and offer an estimated time of death.
The course is open to undergraduates, graduate students and others who may be interested in learning the role of insects in crime scene investigations. For more information on the course, e-mail
Associations and Organizations
• American Academy of Forensic Sciences • American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) • American Board of Criminalistics • American Board of Forensic Anthropology • American Board of Forensic Entomology • American Board of Forensic Odontogy • American Board of Forensic Toxicology • American College of Forensic Examiners • American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors • American Society of Forensic Odontology • Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction (ACSR) • Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners • Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators • California Association of Criminalists • California Criminalistics Institute (CCI) Forensic Science Virtual Laboratory • California State Coroners' Association • Canadian Society of Forensic Science • European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) • Evidence Photographers International Council, Inc. (EPIC) • Forensic Science Society • Forensic Toxicologist Certification Board • International Association for Identification • International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts • International Association of Forensic Toxicologists • International Homicide Investigators Association • Michigan-Ontario Identification Association • Midatlantic Association of Forensic Scientists • Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists • National Association of Medical Examiners • New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists • Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists (NEAFS) • Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists (NWAFS) • Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT) • Southern Association of Forensic Scientists • Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers (SCAFO) • Southern California Association of Forensic Scientists (SCAFS) • Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners • Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (SWAFS) • Forensic Associations and Organizations Forensic Science Reference Tools• Forensic Science Graduate Education in the United States • Zeno's Forensic Science Mailing Lists • Locating Forensic Science Experts (Carpenter) • Expert Forensic Toxicologists (Alan Barbour) • Forensic Toxicology Laboratories (Alan Barbour) Forensic Science Web Links• About.Com Crime/Punishment Page • About.Com Forensic Science Page • Alan Barbour's Forensic Toxicology Page • BBC -Crime -Case Closed • Biometrics Research at Michigan State University • Case of the Barefoot Burglar • Consulting and Education in Forensic Science • Crime Scene Investigation (Crime & Clues) • Crime Scene Investigation (Staggs) • Crime Scene Investigations (Baldwin) • CrimeLynx Forensic Science Links • Criminal Mind • CSI: Crime Seen, Investigated from the Why Files • • DNA Information at Your Fingertips • DNA Policy -Net • FBI Laboratory Home Page • Fingerprint Evidence (Crime & Clues) • Forensic Anthropology • Forensic Art • Forensic Echo • Forensic Entomology Page, International • • Forensic Psychiatry and Medicine (Dr. Harold J. Bursztajn) • Forensic Science : Career Overview • Forensic Science Resources • Forensics: The Investigative Science • iLook Investigator • Kruglick's Forensic Resource and Criminal Law Page • Latent Print Examination • Michigan State Police Forensic Science Division • Michigan State University Forensic Science Program • National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence • National Forensic Science Technology Center • Online Guide to the Forensic Sciences • President's DNA Initiative • Reddy's Forensic Home Page • The Science of Crime from the Why Files • : DNA Testing Developments in the States • USFWS Forensic Science Reference Page • Virginia Division of Forensic Science Recent Papers and Publications • Why Files on Forensic Science • WWW Virtual Library: Forensic Toxicology • Yahoo's Forensic Science Links • Zeno's Forensic Page • 50 Largest Crime Labs, 2002 • Astronomical Data Used for Litigation • Attorney General's Report on the DNA Evidence Backlog • Automated DNA Typing: Method of the Future? • Ballistic Imaging and Comparison of Crime Gun Evidence • Ballistics Fingerprinting: A Life Saver • Ballistics : The Science of Guns • A Beginner's Primer on the Investigation of Forensic Evidence • Bite Marks as Evidence to Convict • Books About Forensic Sciences • Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories, 2002 • Clearer Picture of Crime • Comprehensive Ballistic Fingerprinting of New Guns • Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science • Cracking the Case: The Crime Solving Promise of Ballistic Identification • Crime and Clues: the Art and Science of Criminal Investigation • Crime Scene and Evidence Photography • Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement • Crime Scene Investigation: A Reference for Law Enforcement Training • Crime Seen • Crime Solving Tool Stymied by Lab Backlogs • Death's Acre: Inside the Body Farm (Book Review) • Death Investigation • Developing Standards in International Forensic Work to Identify Missing Persons • DNA Analysis for “Minor� Crimes: A Major Benefit for Law Enforcement • DNA Evidence : It's In Your Genes • DNA Justice: Michigan's Busy Crime Lab is Worth an Expanded State Investment • DNA Testing: An Introduction for Non-Scientists (An Illustrated Explanation) • Down on the Body Farm • Education and Training in Forensic Science • Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders • Emerging Role of the Forensic Engineer • Evidence Collection in Crime Scene Investigations • FBI Laboratory Report • Fingerprint Evidence • Fire and Arson Scene Investigation • Firing Blanks on Ballistic Prints • Forensic DNA Fundamentals for the Prosecutor -Be Not Afraid • Forensic Handwriting Analysis: An Analytical Bibliography • Forensic Laboratories: Handbook for Facility Planning, Design, Construction, and Moving • Forensic Science Communications • Forensic Science Resource Guide in a Criminal Fact Investigation • Forensic Scientists: A Career in the Crime Lab • Forensic Tracking: An Old Tool for Modern Law Enforcement • The Future of DNA Testing • Handbook of Forensic Services • History of Forensic DNA Analysis • How DNA Evidence Works • Identifying Victims Using DNA: A Guide for Families • Importance of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations, The • Laboratory Survival Manual • Latent Prints from Human Skin • Mass Fatality Incidents: A Guide for Human Forensic Identification • Michigan's Forensic DNA Database • New Technology Solves Old Cases (Vacuum Metal Deposition) • Postconviction DNA Testing • The Problem with Crime Labs • Proficiency Testing and the Estimation of Error Rates in Forensic DNA Laboratories • Report to the Attorney General on Delays in Forensic DNA Analysis • Resource Guide to Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Forensic Technologies • Survey of DNA Crime Laboratories, 1998 • Unrealized Potential of DNA Testing • Using DNA To Solve Cold Cases • Violent Crime Scene Analysis • Visible Proofs : Forensic Views of the Body • What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence • When the Lab Gets it Wrong Source Links With Annotations
50 Largest Crime Labs, 2002
Reports on the workload, backlog, and estimated resources needed to meet the demand for forensic services in the Nation's 50 largest publicly funded crime labs. From the Bureau of Justice Statistics. (Last checked 09/08/05)
About.Com Crime/Punishment Page
Use the search box to retrieve relevant articles, links.
About.Com Forensic Science Page
Alan Barbour's Forensic Toxicology Page
A guide to experts, laboratories, and forensic toxicology experts. (Last checked 09/08/05)
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
AAFS is a professional society of international scope that is dedicated to the application of science to the law. AAFS has been in existence for more than 50 years and disseminates news and information through the Journal of Forensic Sciences, annual conferences, and newsletters. The AAFS Web site provides users and members with information on educational requirements for schools that offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in forensic science and lists current employment opportunities in the field. (Last checked 09/08/05)
American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA)
American Board of Criminalistics (ABC)
Criminalistics is the professional and scientific discipline dedicated to the recognition, collection, identification, and individualization of physical evidence and the application of the natural sciences to the matters of the law. The American Board of Criminalistics provides a peer-developed and peer-reviewed certification program, based on assessment of competency using written examinations and proficiency testing. The web site provides more information about the organization's acitivities and a copy of the most recent newsletter.
American Board of Forensic Anthropology (ABFA)
Forensic anthropology is the application of the science of physical anthropology to the legal process. The identification of skeletal, badly decomposed, or otherwise unidentified human remains is important for both legal and humanitarian reasons. Forensic anthropologists apply standard scientific techniques developed in physical anthropology to identify human remains, and to assist in the detection of crime. Forensic anthropologists frequently work in conjunction with forensic pathologists, odontologists, and homicide investigators to identify a decedent, discover evidence of foul play, and/or the postmortem interval. In addition to assisting in locating and recovering suspicious remains, forensic anthropologists work to suggest the age, sex, ancestry, stature, and unique features of a decedent from the skeleton. This web page pulls together information about this organization. (Last checked 09/08/05)
American Board of Forensic Entomology (ABFE)
There is definitely a certain "ick" factor this site, and the logo --a skull under a magnifying glass surrounded by flies --does not help much. But the site, which explains the 700-year quest of scientists in the field to determine times and causes of death, is a must-see for law enforcement professionals, as well as defense attorneys facing the prospect of cross-examining a forensic entomologist. It provides a detailed background on the use of entomology, the qualifications necessary to be board certified and a list of its board-certified scientists. Annotation by David Frey. (Last checked 09/08/05)
American Board of Forensic Odontology
The objective of the Board is to establish, enhance, and revise asnecessary, standards of qualifications for those who practice forensicodontology, and to certify qualified specialists.(Last checked 09/08/05)
American Board of Forensic Toxicology
(Last checked 09/08/05)
American College of Forensic Examiners (ACFEI)
"Quincy" this isn't. But if you want to know a little bit about forensic pathologists and examiners --the people who figure out how people died --this is a good place to visit. Contrary to popular belief, this site says, forensic examiners do not "win or lose" court cases. But they do try to uphold demanding standards of ethics and personal conduct, something we don't remember seeing all the time on "Quincy." (No dress code, either.) The organization runs its own bulletin board and electronic newsletter --details are included here. The downer: no catalog of remarkable (or horrifying) cases. Source : Lycos Top 5% Web Review (Last checked 09/08/05)
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD)
Membership in ASCLD is open to all individuals whose major duties include the management or direction of a crime laboratory, a branch crime laboratory, or a crime laboratory system. A "crime laboratory" is defined as a laboratory which employs one or more full-time scientists whose principal function is the examination of physical evidence for law enforcement agencies in criminal matters and who provide opinion testimony with respect to physical evidence to the Criminal Justice System. The web site features membership and organization information, award and scholarship information, copies of the organization's newsletter, an extensive set of links to other forensic science organizations and associations, and other forensic science web sites. (Last checked 09/08/05)
American Society of Forensic Odontology
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction (ACSR)
ACSR encourages the exchange of information and procedures useful in the reconstruction of crime scenes and the research and development of new and/or improved methods of crime scene reconstruction. ACSR members represent a broad spectrum of criminal justice interests from around the world, including law enforcement investigators, forensic experts, and educators. At the site, browsers (and in the future, only members) can take part in an online forum that tests their crime scene knowledge. The site also features information on training and conferences and includes links to other forensic-related sites. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators
A nonprofit organization composed of professionals engaged in the forensic aspects of DNA analysis for the judicial system. Members include forensic DNA analysts, supervisors and administrators. AFDAA provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among forensic DNA scientists to:
• keep current on the methods, techniques, and procedures presently used in the field of forensic science to promote the dissemination of information on research and developments of new techniques within the field • discuss the latest legislative issues concerning DNA analysis • network with other DNA crime laboratories and personnel • obtain formal training and attend guest lectures • share and troubleshoot forensic DNA data and/or issues. (Last checked 09/08/05) Astronomical Data Used for Litigation
Astronomical data are sometimes needed for civil or criminal court proceedings, especially where there is an issue of the amount of natural illumination available during the incident in question. Both astronomical and meteorological information may be needed in such cases. The U.S. Naval Observatory does not collect or maintain records or systems of records of astronomical phenomena -for example, observed times of sunrise, sunset, twilight, or Moon phases -that might be useful for litigation. Such observations are not regularly made by any agency of the U.S. government, since the relevant data can be computed for past or future dates to sufficient accuracy for all practical purposes. In this sense, astronomical data is quite different from weather data, which must be observed and recorded. These kinds of astronomical computations can usually be performed by any observatory, planetarium, university astronomy department, or other competent authority. Other possible sources are provided however. (Last checked 04/28/05)
Attorney General's Report on the DNA Evidence Backlog
The Attorney General submitted a report to Congress on April 2, 2004 that found approximately 542,700 criminal cases with biological evidence are awaiting DNA testing. These include 52,000 homicide and 169,000 rape cases. Only 10 percent of the unanalyzed cases are in State or local crime laboratories. The majority remain in the possession of local law enforcement agencies. Poor funding is a frequently cited reason why agencies do not make greater use of DNA analysis. Fifty percent of local law enforcement agencies indicated they did not seek DNA testing either because prosecutors had not asked for it or because a suspect was in custody, suggesting that many law enforcement officials still do not fully appreciate the benefits of DNA analysis to solve cases and ensure successful prosecutions. The findings are based on a nation-wide survey andwere reviewed by independent experts.The report is accompanied by information from United Kingdomofficials that show DNA evidence at property crime scenes increasedsuspect identification by 44 percent.April 6, 2004.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Automated DNA Typing: Method of the Future?
A summary of a research study by Holly A. Hammond and C.Thomas Caskey at the Baylor University College of Medicine.February 1997.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Ballistic Imaging and Comparison of Crime Gun Evidence
Robert M. Thompson et al. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. 2002. 26pp. Copyright request 2009 (Last checked 09/08/05)
Ballistics Fingerprinting: A Life Saver
The Beltway sniper case shows that matching a bullet to a gun helpspolice track a killer. A national ballistics database should come next .Article by Lorraine Woellert appearing in BusinessWeek Online,October, 2002.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Ballistics : the Science of Guns
It was a firearms case, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre on a snow-blown February 14, 1929, that led to the opening of the first independent scientific crime detection laboratory in America. Source:
the Crime Library. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Basic Biology of DNA
(Last checked 04/11/06)
BBC -Crime -Case Closed
This site gathers profiles of infamous crimes and criminals and shows how forensic science helped to solve the crimes. Some of the criminals profiled include Jeffrey Dalmer, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, and Son of Sam. Cases from the past include the Great Train Robbery, Watergate, and the Millennium Dome Heist. (Last checked 09/08/05)
A Beginner's Primer on the Investigation of Forensic Evidence
This primer by Kim Kruglink is designed to help lawyers deal with forensic evidence of all types. Although it is addressed primarily to criminal defense lawyers, it is full of astute observations about the institutional structure of forensic science and problems that common arise in that field. The author is an experienced criminal lawyer based in Mill Valley, California who is well known for successfully litigating cases involving scientific issues. The article includes a discoverable material checklist and a forensic case issue checklist to guide litigators preparing for trial. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Biometrics Research at Michigan State University
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Bite Marks as Evidence to Convict
A unique forensic tool --one that convicted Ted Bundy. Article byKatherine Ramsland from the Crime Library.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Books About Forensic Sciences in the MSU Main Library
Interested in finding books on forensic sciences that are available for use in the Michigan State University Main Library? The first link provides links to all the books with the Library of Congress subject heading forensic sciences. If you prefer, try the second link, select keyword searching and type in forensic sciences or similar terms for additional possibilities. (Last checked 09/12/05)
California Association of Criminalists
The oldest established regional forensic science organization inAmerica.(Last checked 09/08/05)
California Criminalistics Institute (CCI)
Provides links and other resources that are useful to the staff of the California Criminalistics Institute, to members of the forensic science community, and to other interested persons. Be sure to check out the Forensic Science Virtual Library. (Last checked 09/08/05)
California State Coroners' Association
The best source of information about Coroners, Medical Examinersand Death Investigation. Portions of the web site are restricted tomembers only.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Canadian Society of Forensic Science
The Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS) is a non-profit professional organization incorporated to maintain professional standards, and to promote the study and enhance the stature of forensic science. Membership in the society is open internationally to professionals with an active interest in the forensic sciences. It is organized into sections representing diverse areas of forensic examination: Anthropology, Medical, Odontology, Biology, Chemistry, Documents, Engineering and Toxicology. Forensic scientists are routinely involved in investigations of crimes against persons and property, such as homicides, assaults, arson, impaired driving and fraud. Forensic scientists also appear regularly in criminal and civil proceedings and coroner's inquests to give opinion evidence relating to forensic examinations. Special committees of the CSFS address educational, scientific, and legal issues within forensic science and act as advisory bodies to provincial and federal justice ministries. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Case of the Barefoot Burglar
You are an investigator at a crime scene in a middle school science classroom. There has been a break-in and theft. Using math and science, you figure out who the culprit is by measuring feet size to body height ratios, matching teeth impressions to a bite in a piece of chocolate, and learning about dactyloscopy (fingerprinting). Different careers represented are forensic anthropologists, forensic dentists, and forensic chemists. Some materials are in PDF, and there are teacher resources from this Cyberbee project. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories, 2002
Outdated facilities and a shortage of employees led to a backlog ofhundreds of thousands of criminal cases at crime labs around thecountry, according to a government study released Wednesday (Feb.23). The overload threatened to delay justice for suspects and victims,said Joseph L. Peterson of the University of Illinois at Chicago, a coauthor of the Bureau of Justice Statistics study. 16pp.(Last checked 02/24/05)
A Clearer Picture of Crime,1607,7-136-3452-99812-M_2004_8,00.html
The Michigan State Police Forensic Video Clarification Section uses video-enhancing technology to aid investigators when a crime is captured by a camera. Section members, Detective Sergeant Arnett Gadson and Detective Sergeant Bill Torley, are among a handful of officers in the state with the training and equipment to clarify a video image to both identify a suspect and exonerate the innocent. The images aid investigators retrieve important information about a crime and collect tips from the public. The images can also be used as evidence in court. "A video serves as a silent witness to a crime with an unbiased and consistent view," said Detective Sergeant Bill Torley. "Our job is to make the video as easy to watch as possible so it tells the whole story." For additional information or a demonstration, contact: Detective Sergeant Arnett Gadson, Michigan State Police, (734) 525-4281, or Detective Sergeant Bill Torley, Michigan State Police, (734) 525-4395. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Comprehensive Ballistic Fingerprinting of New Guns: A Tool for Solving and Preventing Violent Crime
This new 6-page publication, written by Daniel W. Webster, ScD, MPH, co-director of the John Hopkings Center for Gun Policy and Research, analyzes the many sides of the issue of comprehensive
ballistic fingerprinting: the potential law enforcement and public health benefits of implementing such a policy, the need for additional information on the effects of such policies to date, and the common arguments against comprehensive ballistic fingerprinting laws. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Consulting and Education in Forensic Science
This site has a timeline of the history of forensic science from BCE to the present; a bibliography of books, articles, fiction, legal documents, and Web sites; and links to association sites and sites with educational and career information. The site is by two forensic scientists : Norah Rudin and Keith Inman. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use of DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence
A 118-page NIJ Research Report by Edward Connors, ThomasLundregan, Neal Miller, and Tom McEwen. published in June 1996.118pp.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Cracking the Case: The Crime Solving Promise of BallisticIdentification
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence recently released "Cracking the Case: The Crime-Solving Promise of Ballistic Identification," an in-depth report that details how ballistic technology can help law enforcement solve gun crimes. The report is the latest in the Educational Fund's "Closing Illegal Gun Markets" series. Cracking the Case explains how law enforcement officials use ballistic evidence from a crime scene to trace the exact gun used in the commission of a crime. Often, keyballistic evidence can help police locate the shooter. June 2004. 32pp.Copyright request 2008.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime and Clues: the Art and Science of Criminal Investigation
Contains current news items, links to crime scene investigation web pages, evidence web pages, etc. Compiled and maintained by Daryl
W. Clemens of Grand Rapids, MI. (Last checked 09/08/05) Crime Scene and Evidence Photography
Excellent collection of articles and web links on crime scenephotography.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Scene Investigation
By Steven Staggs, Police Department, University of California.Contains information on crime scene photography, crime sceneresponse guidelines, collection and preservation of evidence,evidence collection guidelines, and links to additional forensicscience web sites.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Scene Investigation
A compilation of resources from Crime & Clues: The Art & Scienceof Criminal Investigation.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement
Physical evidence has the potential to play a critical role in the overall investigation and resolution of a suspected criminal act. This Research Report discusses the fundamental principles of investigating a crime scene and preserving evidence that need to be practiced in order to yield reliable information. This publication is intended for use by law enforcement and other responders who have responsibilities for protecting crime scenes, preserving physical evidence, and collecting and submitting evidence for scientific examination. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Scene Investigation: A Reference for Law Enforcement Training
(72 pp.) (NCJ 200160) is designed to help trainers and administrators develop training programs for crime scene investigators. Each part of the report includes proposed performance objectives for the student to ensure attainment of the material. 72pp. NCJ 200160. (NIJ) (Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Scene Investigations
By M/Sgt Hayden B. Baldwin, Illinois State Police, and Director ofForensic Enterprises, Inc.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Seen
In his lab far from the scene of a crime, Skip Palenik forges unbreakable chains of evidence from dust & detritus. Let's watch the master at work. Article by Gordon Grice from Popular Science. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Crime Solving Tool Stymied By Lab Backlogs
DNA testing is a powerful new crime-solving tool. But in many states, lack of funding is keeping police and prosecutors from using it as effectively as possible. Article by Tiffany Danitz, Staff Writer, May 23, 2002, appearing in (Last checked 09/08/05)
CrimeLynx Forensic Science Links
(Last checked 09/08/05)
The Criminal Mind
A collection of web links on criminal psychology, criminal profiling,and forensic science courtesy of the Criminal Library.(Last checked 09/08/05)
CSI: Crime Seen, Investigated from the Why Files
Caution, not for the weak of stomach, because this site has some graphic images and descriptions of flesh eating bugs, decomposing bodies, and other grisly tidbits important to forensic entomologists. Some of the tame parts include analyzing handwriting, word choice, punctuation, hand "control," personality analysis, ultraviolet light analysis, and radiocarbon dating of notes from serial killers. This site is designed with teachers and students in mind, as there are discussion questions, lesson plans and online activities for middle and high school students tied to national teaching standards in science and technology. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator
The sudden or unexplained death of an individual has a profound impact on families and friends of the deceased and places significant responsibility on the agencies tasked with determining the cause of death. Increasingly, science and technology play a key role in death investigations. One of the hallmarks of science is adherence to clear and well-grounded protocols. In many jurisdictions, responsibility for conducting death investigations may rest with pathologists, medical examiners, or coroners, in addition to their other duties. There is little training available in the best procedures for handling these crucial and sensitive tasks. To help fill the gap, the National Institute of Justice, joined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, supported the development of the guidelines presented in this report. Nov. 1999. 57pp, NCJ 167568. 55pp. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Death's Acre: Inside the Body Farm (Book Review)
A pioneer of modern forensic anthropology reveals secrets of the world’s first—and only—laboratory devoted to death with a fascinating, behind-the-scenes look at his investigations. The book is available in the MSU Main Library. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Developing Standards in International Forensic Work to Identify Missing Persons $File/irrc_848_Cordner.pdf
Stephen C. Ordner and H. Elen McKelvie, International Committeeof the Red Cross, December 2002.(Last checked 09/08/05)
DNA Analysis for “Minor� Crimes: A Major Benefit for LawEnforcement
When law enforcement officers arrive at the scene of a major crime, they routinely collect biological evidence: blood, semen, hair strands. The evidence goes to the crime lab, where forensic technicians analyze the DNA and run the “profile� against the national, State, or local DNA database, hoping to get a “hit� or match that will help bring the offender to justice. Murders and sexual assaults receive top priority for DNA analysis, and officers routinely look for biological evidence at these crime scenes. Property crimes, on the other hand, are a different story. In many cases, officers do not routinely collect biological evidence at property crime scenes—perhaps because they assume burglars do not leave DNA, or because departmental policies do not authorize that samples be taken at property crime scenes. But that may change. Edwin Zedlewski and Mary B. Murphy, NIJ Journal No. 253, January 2006. (Last checked 02/04/06)
DNA Evidence : It's In Your Genes
Courtesy of the Nolo Online Legal Encyclopedia. (Last checked 09/08/05)
The President's DNA Initiative provides funding, training, and assistance to ensure that forensic DNA reaches its full potential to solve crimes, protect the innocent, and identify missing persons. (Last checked 04/11/06)
DNA Information at Your Fingertips
This web page offers a wealth of information about funding, training, publications, and other resources related to the use of DNA technology in solving crimes, protecting the innocent, and identifying missing persons. Visitors to the site can learn more about the President's DNA Initiative, Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology.(Last checked 09/08/05)
DNA Justice: Michigan's Busy Crime Lab is Worth an ExpandedState Investment
On the TV cops shows, the sleuths find DNA at the scene, take a commercial break and come back with a suspect. Would it were so, for the sake of justice, efficiency and the taxpayers. However, about the best the Michigan State Police crime lab can do is 30 days from receiving a DNA sample to running it against state and national databases to see if it comes back with any "associations" with the DNA of known criminals. Once that happens, if the suspect is available, police will get a fresh DNA sample and run the match again, just to be sure. This takes more time, but given the conclusive nature of DNA evidence, it has to be done right. Justice, for the guilty and the innocent, literally hangs in the balance. Ron Dzwonkowski, Detroit Free Press, January 30, 2005, IE. (Last checked 09/08/05)
DNA Policy -Net
DNA and the Criminal Justice System Community of Practice is a Harvard-based project to create a forum for the exchange of views and information among those interested in this area. Its aim is to assist these individuals and institutions in managing the challenges that the use of DNA in the criminal justice system pose. Requires registration. (Last checked 09/08/05)
DNA Testing: An Introduction for Non-Scientists -An Illustrated Explanation
This primer on DNA evidence by Donald E. Riley of the University of Washington (1998) is designed to help people who are new to the area get up to speed quickly on the technology and terminologyinvolved in forensic DNA testing.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Down on the Body Farm An article by Jon Jefferson appearing inABA Journal, September 2000, p.62-65,71. Tennessee anthropologistWilliam M. Bass III helps catch killers through the study ofdecomposing bodies. At his research facility near Knoxville, knownas the Body Farm, as many as 40 bodies at a time lie decomposing.The research helps experts determine murder victims' time of death.
Education and Training in Forensic Science:A Guide for Forensic Science Laboratories, EducationalInstitutions, and Students
Presents consensus criteria and recommendations to establish best practices for educating and training forensic scientists. The information serves students preparing for a career in forensic science, educational institutions as they develop and revamp curriculums, and forensic scientists as they advance their knowledge, skills, and abilities. 64pp. NCJ 203099.(NIJ) (Last checked 09/08/05)
Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders
The Internet, computer networks, and automated data systems present an enormous opportunity for committing criminal activity. Computers and other electronic devices are being used increasingly to commit, enable, or support crimes perpetrated against persons, organizations, or property. Whether the crime involves attacked against computer systems, the information they contain, or more traditional crimes such as murder, money laundering, trafficking, or fraud, electronic evidence increasingly is involved. It is no surprise that law enforcement and criminal justice officials are being overwhelmed by the volume of investigations and prosecutions thatinvolve electronic evidence. July 2001. NCJ187736.(Last checked 09/08/05)
The Emerging Role of the Forensic Engineer
PDF plug in required. (Last checked 09/08/05)
European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) Marks Working Group
The Marks Working Group is one of the technical Working Groups of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) and represents examiners working with shoeprints, toolmarks and other types of visual mark comparisons in forensic laboratories. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Evidence Collection in Crime Scene Investigations
Includes numerous links to articles about evidence collection and examination, including:
• Evidence Collection Guidelines • Developing and Lifting Latent Footwear Impressions by Mike Byrd • Detecting OC Spray with an Alternative Light Source by H.W. "Rus" Ruslander • Searching and Examining a Major Case Crime Scene by H.W. "Rus" Ruslander • Dead Body Evidence Checklist • Practical Methods for Processing a Vehicle by Agnes Sarisky • Ridge Detail at the Crime Scene by Mike Byrd • DNA --The next generation technology by Mike Byrd • Written Documentation at a Crime Scene by Mike Byrd • Proper Tagging and Labeling of Evidence for Later Identification by Mike Byrd
• Innovative Evidence Identification Markers by Mike Byrd • Simple Tire Standards Collection by Mike Byrd • Footwear Evidence by Dwayne S. Hilderbrand • Protecting the Crime Scene by George Schiro • Examination and Documentation of the Crime Scene by George Schiro • Collection and Preservation of Evidence by George Schiro • Special Considerations for Sexual Assault Evidence by George Schiro • Collection and Preservation of Blood Evidence from Crime Scenes by George Schiro (Last checked 09/08/05) Evidence Photographers International Council, Inc. (EPIC)
EPIC is a non-profit organization established in 1968 for the advancement of evidence photography, and remains today the only professional organization of its kind. Whether an expert or novice in the field of photography, EPIC provides you with the know-how to further develop your skills and knowledge in the field of civil and law enforcement forensic photography. As an EPIC member, you will join a select group of the leading evidence photographers working today, who will share their experience and knowledge with you. You will get working tips and learn professional secrets, the cumulative knowledge of years of practical work by evidence experts. Evidence photography is a specialty that can be extremely lucrative. There are literally dozens of markets for evidence photographs. Legal firms, insurance companies, law enforcement agencies, medical labs, and many others pay substantial fees for the right kind of photos. As a result of recent high profile cases that have brought to the spotlight the need for good forensic evidence, evidence photographers are increasingly in demand. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Expert Forensic Toxicologists
A page maintained by Alan Barbour. Experts submit informationvoluntarily.(Last checked 09/08/05)
FBI Laboratory Home Page
Contains links to a collection of significant cases handled by thelaboratory, full text issues of Forensic Science Communications,annual report, etc.(Last checked 09/08/05)
FBI Laboratory Report: An Investigation into Laboratory Practices and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases (April, 1997)
Includes web links. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Fingerprint Evidence
Type in "fingerprint evidence" in the search box for an excerpt fromthe online Nolo Legal Encyclopedia.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Fingerprint Evidence
A compilation of resources from Crime & Clues. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Fire and Arson Scene Investigation A Guide for Public Safety Personnel
Outlines basic procedures for fire scene documentation and evidence
collection. This Research Report is aimed at public safety personnel who may not be trained in the specialized aspects of fire scene investigation but may be in the position of having to respond to a fire/arson scene. Specific areas discussed include establishing the role of first responders, evaluating the scene, documenting the scene, processing evidence at the scene, and completing the scene investigation. Appendixes provide sample forms used in fire investigations, additional reading, and sources for further information. June 2002. NCJ181584. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Firing Blanks on Ballistic Prints
"The sniper spree in the D.C. area has spawned calls for "ballistic fingerprinting" of firearms. Sen. Charles Schumer, New York Democrat, announced he would introduce legislation for a national program. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence told The Washington Post that ballistic fingerprinting would have "solved this crime after the first shooting." But an October 2001 report by California state ballistics experts --hushed up by the California attorney general's office --concludes ballistic fingerprinting isn't feasible right now." Article by Steven Milloy, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, appearing in Washington Times, Oct. 21, 2002. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Anthropology
Bones are the framework of the vertebrate body and thus contain much information about man's adaptive mechanisms to his environment... bones often survive the process of decay and provide the main evidence for the human form after death. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Art Cliché as it may be, dead men most certainly do tell tales, as demonstrates in a flash of Flash. Watch as experts bring faces to the skulls of those long dead, or use advanced computer techniques to determine what suspects might look like years after a photo was taken. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Associations and Organizations
Provides annotations describing each association or organization,address information, plus web links whenever possible. A subsectionof Forensic Sciences Resources.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic DNA Fundamentals for the Prosecutor -Be Not Afraid
Lisa R. Kreeger. American Prosecutors Research Institute. Nov.2003, 39pp. Copyright request #2028(Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Echo Archive and Electronic Edition (full text)
A monthly online newsmagazine covering law, the forensic sciences,and related public policy published by The Forensic Panel. Adatabase is also available featuring hundreds of articles and otheroriginal content on forensic behavioral sciences, DNA, toxicology,and pathology. Free registration required for full access to all theresources on this web page.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Entomology Page, International
Forensic entomology is the use of insect knowledge in the investigation of crimes or even civil disputes. It is one of the many tools of forensic science. As you browse through my files on this page, you will see that forensic entomology is not only a useful tool to decide how long human remains have been undetected, but forensic entomology can also be used to find out whether the corpse have been moved after death, the cause of death, and also solve cases of contraband trafficking. Personal page maintained by Morten Staerkeby, Department of Biology, Oslo, Norway. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Evidence.Com in the New Millenium
An information center in forensic science, law, and public policy forlawyers, forensic scientists, educators, and public officials. Andre E.Moenssens, University of Missouri-Kansas City.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Handwriting Analysis: An Analytical Bibliography
This is an exhastive list of tomes, and covers every conceivable subject relating to handwriting, from the different types of "handwriting implements" (such as pens and pencils), to various influences on natural handwriting (such as age, gender, whether one is left-handed or right-handed and where one learned to write). Bibliography compiled by Tom Davis, Birmingham University Library. Annotation by David Frey. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Laboratories: Handbook for Facility Planning, Design, Construction, and Moving
A 76-page report published by the National Institute of Justice,Office of Law Enforcement Standards, in April 1998, to provideadvice for building forensic laboratories.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Psychiatry & Medicine
This page by Dr. Harold J. Bursztajn describes how expert psychiatric opinions are formed, and how they can be useful outside of the courtroom setting; for instance, to establish damages in sexual harassment cases, or to determine whether an American with Disabilities Act claimant in fact has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This site also has a special page for criminal justice containing articles that provide a deeper analysis of forensic psychiatry. Also included: a sample of actual court testimony by an expert regarding diminished capacity; information on the use of forensic psychiatric testimony to affect sentencing; the current law on jury instructions regarding the use of forensic psychiatric testimony; and a handbook entitled "Preventing Workplace Violence." Annotation by David Frey. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Science : Career Overview
Somewhere a body is discovered…. So what DO forensic scientists do? They are the people who carry out the scientific work in a criminal investigation. Getting job in this area is becoming more appealing, in large part due to the television shows related to forensics, and having a strong background in science is a must. This site is a good place to investigate the education and career options. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Science Communications (Full Text)
A forensic science journal published quarterly in January, April, July, and October by FBI Laboratory personnel. It is a means of communication between forensic scientists. Supersedes the Crime
Laboratory Digest. Volume 1, number 1 (April 1999) to date. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Science Graduate Education Programs in the United States
Includes the program at Michigan State. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Science Resource Guide in a Criminal Fact Investigation
Describes books, web links, and other resources. HTML modifications and additions by R. Scott Carpenter notwithstanding, this resource was derived from a bibliography compiled by Gary Eldredge, Criminal Investigations, 100 French St., New Orleans, LA 70124 and distributed at the National Legal Aid & Defender Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, December, 1995. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Sciences Resources
Through this web site compiled by R. Scott Carpenter, users can link to information on most forensic science sub-specialties, including anthropology, medicine, arson investigation, crime scene investigation, criminalistics and trace elements, chemistry, toxicology, entomology, odontology (teeth), DNA analysis, imaging and psychiatry, and ethics and forensic science. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Science Society
• Contains history and membership information about the Forensic Science Society, a British organization formed to foster communication in England as well as internationally.
• Contains copies of Interfaces, the Newsletter of the Forensic Science Society. • Contains copies of Science and Justice, the Journal of the Forensic Science Society. • Contains World List, describing over 630 laboratories in 75 nations. • Contains Forensic WebLinks Search Engine • Contains Forensic Web Yellow Pages. (Last checked 09/08/05) Forensic Scientists: A Career in the Crime Lab
An article by Dillon Hall appearing in Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Fall 1999, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Toxicologist Certification Board
The mission of the Forensic Toxicologist Certification Board, Incorporated is to enhance the professionalism of practitioners in areas of forensic toxicology including Forensic Toxicology, Forensic Alcohol Toxicology and Forensic Drug Toxicology. The mission is to be achieved through educational and certification objectives. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Toxicology Laboratories
A compilation by Alan Barbour. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensic Tracking: An Old Tool for Modern Law Enforcement
Forensic tracking is an under-utilized tool of American law enforcement. By manipulating methods of man tracking, footprint interpretation and footwear impression evidence recovery, officers can increase their chances of apprehending fugitives and of solving their criminal cases. An online article by Thomas F. Hanratty appearing in the June 1998 issue of Law and Order. Still available thanks to the Internet Archive. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Forensics: The Investigative Science
This ThinkQuest site is about four specific divisions of forensicscience: fingerprint identification, blood detection, DNA detection,and fiber classification. Many crimes are solved and criminalsconvicted (or exonerated) based on scientific conclusions to tests runby trained scientists. After you delve into each section, try the quiz tosee if you are on the path to becoming a forensic scientist.(Last checked 09/08/05)
The Future of DNA Testing:Predictions of the Research and Development Working Group
This NIJ Issues and Practices report discusses past and present techniques in forensic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) analysis, the most likely technical advances in the forthcoming decade, and assesses the impact of these advances on forensic DNA analysis. The report, the work of the Research and Development Working Group of the National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence, discusses projected 2-year, 5-year, and 10-year milestones for DNA technology. November 2000. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Handbook of Forensic Services
The purpose of the Handbook of Forensic Services is to provide guidance and procedures for safe and efficient methods of collecting and preserving evidence and to describe the forensic examinations
performed by the FBI Laboratory. (Last checked 09/08/05)
History of Forensic DNA Analysis
‘DNA fingerprinting’ or DNA typing (profiling) as it is now known, was first described in 1985 by an English geneticist named Alec Jeffreys. Dr. Jeffreys found that certain regions of DNA contained DNA sequences that were repeated over and over again next to each other. He also discovered that the number of repeated sections present in a sample could differ from individual to individual. By developing a technique to examine the length variation of these DNA repeat sequences, Dr. Jeffreys created the ability to perform human identity tests. (Last checked 04/11/06)
How DNA Evidence Works
Howstuffworks, Inc. presents the full text of the article entitled "How DNA Evidence Works," by An Meeker-O'Connell. The author discusses how to prove that a suspect's DNA matches a sample left at the scene of a crime, how to create a DNA profile, and the calculation of a DNA profile frequency. The author also details the uses of DNA evidence, including proving guilt, paternity testing, identifying bodies, and studying inherited disorders. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Identifying Victims Using DNA: A Guide for Families
This 8-page booklet is an overview of DNA analysis for friends and family of missing persons to help them understand the process forensic scientists go through to identify human remains. The booklet explains what DNA analysis can and cannot do, describes the sources of DNA that forensic scientists might use, and explains the differences between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.
(Last checked 09/08/05)
ILook Investigator ©
ILook Investigator © is a forensic analysis tool used by thousands of law enforcement labs and investigators around the world for the investigation of forensic images created by many of the best known forensic imaging utilities. Visit this web page in case you are interested in downloading the software. Courtesy of the Criminal Investigation Electronic Crimes Program of the Internal Revenue Service. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Importance of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations, The
briefly covers the history of the field and provides examples of its usein major murder trails.(Last checked 09/08/05)
International Association for Identification
The International Association for Identification (IAI) strives to be the primary professional association for those engaged in forensic identification, investigation, and scientific examination of physical evidence. (Last checked 09/08/05)
International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
Violent crimes can result in bloodshed. When liquid blood is acted upon by physical forces, bloodstains and bloodstain patterns may be deposited on various surfaces, including the clothing of the individuals present at the crime scene. These bloodstain patterns can yield valuable information concerning the events which lead to their creation when examined by a qualified analyst. The information gained can then be used for the reconstruction of the incident and the evaluation of the statements of the witnesses and the crime participants. The IABPA is an organization of forensic experts specializing in the field of bloodstain pattern analysis. The purpose of this page is to introduce you to the IABPA and inform you about our organization. (Last checked 09/08/05)
International Association of Forensic Toxicologists
This 40 years old association groups over 1400 members from all regions of the world. The aims of this association are to promote cooperation and coordination of efforts among members and to encourage research in forensic toxicology. The members come from the police force, medical examiners and coroners' laboratories, horseracing and sports doping laboratories, hospitals, departments of legal medicine, pharmacology, pharmacy and toxicology. (Last checked 09/08/05)
International Homicide Investigators Association
The International Homicide Investigators Association was founded during a 1988 VICAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program) international homicide symposium that was sponsored by the Federal bureau of Investigation at Quantico, Virginia. This symposium brought together an elite group of professionals from around the world that represented all disciplines involved in death investigation. The organization is now the largest and fastest growing organization of homicide and death investigation professionals in the world and has representation from the United States as well as 16 other nations. The primary mission of the International Homicide Investigators Association is to assist and support law enforcement agencies and death investigation professionals by providing leadership, training, resources, and expertise that will enhance their ability to solve cases. Successful death investigation not only requires vast resources and expertise, it depends upon inter-agency and inter-disciplinary cooperation and partnerships. The diversity of the IHIA membership, in both disciplines and geography, greatly enhances our ability to address the myriad of complex issues facing homicide and death investigators in today's world. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Kruglick's Forensic Resource and Criminal Law Page
Provides links to over 1000 forensic science and criminal justiceresources.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Laboratory Survival Manual
Courtesy of the University of Virginia, Office of EnvironmentalHealth and Safety.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Latent Print Examination
A compilation of web resources on fingerprints, palmprints, andfootprints by Ed German of Forest Park, Ga.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Latent Prints from Human Skin
Advancements in the recovery of latent fingerprints from both living and dead human skin have resulted in the identification and conviction of at least 39 perpetrators -and there are possibly more cases around the nation that have not been reported. According to experts, the new recovery technique can yield identifiable prints a large percentage of the time when it is performed correctly. An online article by Kristi Gulick appearing in the June 1998 issue of Law andOrder. Still available thanks to the Internet Archive.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Locating Forensic Science Experts
A subsection of Forensic Sciences Resources compiled by R. ScottCarpenter.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Mass Fatality Incidents: A Guide for Human ForensicIdentification
In a mass fatality incident, correct victim identification is essential to satisfy humanitarian considerations, meet civil and criminal investigative needs, and identify victim perpetrators. This 96-page Special Report provides medical examiners/coroners with guidelines for preparing the portion of the disaster plan concerned with victim identification and summarizes the victim identification process for other first responders. It discusses the integration of the medical examiner/coroner into the initial response process, and presents the roles of various forensic disciplines (including forensic anthropology, radiology, odontology, fingerprinting, and DNA analysis) in victim identification. This guide represents the experience of dozens of Federal, State, international, and private forensic experts who took part in the Technical Working Group for Mass Fatality Forensic Identification. Technical Working Group for Mass Fatality Forensic Identification, June 2005. 83pp. (Last checked 06/07/05)
Michigan-Ontario Identification Association
The Michigan-Ontario Identification Association unites police forensic specialists in the pursuit of a single goal: Justitia Per Scientiam, or Justice Through Science (our motto). We are committed to the advancement of scientific crime detection through informing its' members of the latest training and research advances, as well as coming together at our annual seminars to discuss common problems and solutions to those problems. Our website also contains useful articles and links for the scientific investigator. Our parent organization, the IAI, provides certification programs in various forensic disciplines such as crime scene investigation, fingerprint identification, etc. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Michigan State Police Forensic Science Division,1607,7-123-1593_3800---,00.html
The division is comprised of 7 laboratories and 9 additional locations which provide polygraph testing services. State-of-the-art forensic laboratory services, including crime scene and 'post-blast' investigations, drug analysis, document examination, polygraph testing, latent print examination, AFIS, DNA analysis, toxicology analysis, blood/alcohol analysis, firearms and toolmark examination, arson evidence analysis, and serology and trace evidence analysis are provided to division clientele. Division employees also appear in court to provide expert testimony regarding the evidence and analytical procedures used. Members of our "bomb squad" are called upon to 'render-safe' improvised explosive devices and on occasion unexploded military ordinance. Analysts in the laboratory system are continually updating their analytical skills and capabilities to meet the ever developing technological advancements in forensic science. During 1996, the Forensic Science Division personnel processed in excess of 58,400 total cases, responded to 534 crime and bomb scenes, and offered expert testimony in 1045 court cases. The web site also offers information about position vacancies with the agency as well as links to additional web resources. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Michigan State University Forensic Science Master's Degree Program
Includes information about MSU's Forensic Science program, forensic science programs around the world, links to other forensic science sites, list serves, news groups, employment info. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Michigan's Forensic DNA Database
This report provides background on the use of forensic DNAdatabases, summarizes the 2001 legislation expanding Michigan'sdatabase, and discusses implementing that legislation. Kyle Jen,House Fiscal Agency, March 2003.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists
The purpose of MAFS is to encourage the exchange of ideas and information within the forensic sciences by improving contacts between people and laboratories engaged in forensic science. MAFS supports and stimulates research and development of new and/or improved techniques, and works to promote the improvement of professional expertise of persons working in the field of forensic science through education, scientific seminars and research grants. (Last checked 09/08/05)
National Association of Medical Examiners
(Last checked 09/08/05)
National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence
The Commission will use this site to make public announcements about meetings, agendas, locations and times, to provide minutes of Commission meetings, and summaries of Working Group meetings. Recommendations, reports and other work-products of the Commission will also be available through this site. Future site development will include biographical sketches of the Commission members, links to sites with related interests, such as the DNA Advisory Board, and other information.. (Last checked 09/08/05)
National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC)
The National Forensic Science Technology Center is dedicated tosupporting forensic laboratories achieve the highest possible qualityof operations. Learn more about NFSTC -our members, our people,and our history via our web site. The organization is currentlyrefocusing on Quality Systems Support and Continuing Education.NFSTC's office also serves as the contact point for The AmericanSociety of Crime Laboratory Directors.(Last checked 09/08/05)
New Jersey Association of Forensic Scientists
(Last checked 09/08/05)
New Technology Solves Old Cases
Discusses vacuum metal deposition, a new technique for lifting fingerprints. An online article by Bill Clede which originally appeared in the June 1997 issue of Law and Order. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists (NEAFS)
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists (NWAFS)
(Last checked 09/08/05)
An Online Guide to the Forensic Sciences
An article by David Frey, Assistant District Attorney in the Appeals Bureau, Richmond County District Attorney's Office, appearing in the June 15, 1998 issue of the New York Law Journal. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Postconviction DNA Testing
Recommendations for handling requests. (Last checked 09/08/05)
President's DNA Initiative
The President's DNA Initiative provides funding, training, and assistance to ensure that forensic DNA reaches its full potential to solve crimes, protect the innocent, and identify missing persons. (Last checked 04/11/06)
The Problem with Crime Labs
The technology is great, but now everybody wants it. America's crime labs are overworked and understaffed with backlogs that stymie investigators. An article by Craig Steinberg from the Winter 1996-97 issue of On Patrol. Still available thanks to the Internet
Archive.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Proficiency Testing and the Estimation of Error Rates inForensic DNA Laboratories
Features the article "Proficiency Testing and the Estimation of Error Rates in Forensic DNA Laboratories" by Jerry C. Lyell. Discusses the error rates of DNA evidence analysis. Still available thanks to the Internet Archive. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Reddy's Forensic Home Page
Excellent collection of resources compiled by Reddy P. Chamakura, forensic scientist/document examiner with New York City Police Department, Police Laboratory. Web links are sorted into the following categories: general forensic interest, forensic science organizations, forensic science journals, colleges/universities with forensic programs, job opportunities, forensic science laboratories, law enforcement agencies, forensic home pages, forensic chemistry/narcotics, mass spectometry, fingerprints, ballistics/firearms, microscopy, crime scene processing/investigation/photography, arson, DNA, toxicology, questioned documents, digital photography/imaging, image enhancing, web publishing/internet, forensic mailing lists, etc. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Report to the Attorney General on Delays in Forensic DNA Analysis
Although crime laboratories have made enormous progress in reducing the number of unanalyzed convicted offender samples for DNA databases, they continue to be deluged with analysis requests.
This NIJ report presents the results of a task force, convened by NIJ at the request of Attorney General John Ashcroft, to assess existing DNA analysis delays and develop recommendations for eliminating those delays. The report details six recommendations that will serve as the foundation of a comprehensive, national DNA backlog reduction strategy. (Last checked 09/08/05)
A Resource Guide to Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Forensic Technologies (fNCJ186822)
This Guide provides a useful, focused picture of OJP and COPS Office activities in the field of law enforcement, corrections, and forensic science technology. The Guide is designed to be a ready reference to help local administrators make informed decisions regarding current and emerging technologies. Users of this Guide--police, prison, and public safety officials; crime lab directors; and members of city, county, and State legislative and administrative bodies charged with overseeing law enforcement or corrections agencies will find reliable, up-to-date information and sources for answers to a wide range of questions. (Last checked 09/08/05)
The Science of Crime from the Why Files
We're going to talk about forensic science and mention the O.J.Simpson trial just this once!(Last checked 09/08/05)
Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT)
The Society of Forensic Toxicologists, Inc. (SOFT) is an organization composed of practicing forensic toxicologists and those interested in the discipline for the purpose of promoting and developing forensic toxicology. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Southern Association of Forensic Scientists (SAFS)
SAFS is the oldest of the regional forensic scientist associations with the exception of the California Association of Criminalists. SAFS is an organization of practicing forensic scientists. To gain voting membership in SAFS it is essential that a prospective member have given expert testimony in some court of the criminal justice system, or have advanced the cause of forensic science in some significant manner. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers
This nonprofit organization was founded in 1937 with forty charter members dedicated to the profession of fingerprint identification. This Southern California association has more than 300 members from more than 50 different law enforcement agencies. As of January 1, 1997, this website became operational. Within this site you will find a great deal of information (more than 200 articles) for professionals in the field of fingerprints or "Friction Ridge Identification", law enforcement personnel and administrators, the judiciary, students, and the public in general. This website is dedicated to providing the online community with a credible source of information about a subject that, as professionals, we find fascinating. Includes "The Print", the organization's newsletter. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Southern California Association of Forensic Scientists (SCAFS)
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners
The Southwestern Association of Forensic Document Examiners is devoted to a discipline which involves the examination of documents to determine authenticity and/or authorship. This includes comparison of handwriting; detection of alterations, obliterations, or indented writing; differentiation of inks; and examination of machine-generated documents. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (SWAFS)
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Speckin Forensic Laboratories
Local firm in Okemos, Michigan. Roger J. Bolhouse, LaboratoryDirector, is an adjunct faculty member at MSU.(Last checked 09/08/05) : DNA Testing Developments in the States
Type in dna in the search box and retrieve results. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Survey of DNA Crime Laboratories, 1998
Reports findings from a survey of publicly operated forensic crime labs that perform deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing. The survey included questions about each lab's budget, personnel, workloads, and operating policies procedures. Data were obtained from 108 out of a 120 estimated known labs--including all statewide labs. As part of their DNA Laboratory Improvement Program, NIJ funded the survey to help identify workload and technology issues. (NCJ 179104).
(Last checked 09/08/05)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Forensic Laboratory
A web site maintained by Stu Mitchell at the U.S. Fish and WildlifeService, Ashland, Oregon. Contains links to educational institutions,government entities, commercial organizations and other groupsrelating to forensic science.(Last checked 09/08/05)
The Unrealized Potential of DNA Testing
DNA testing has become an established part of criminal justice procedure, and the admissibility of the test results in court has become routine. The Unrealized Potential of DNA Testing discusses how DNA testing has opened up new sources of forensic evidence, but its full potential to identify perpetrators and exonerate people falsely convicted has yet to be realized. For this to be done requires further advances in testing technology and in systems to collect and process the evidence, which includes expanding forensic DNA testing to new types of useful biological evidence; recovering and analyzing new types of DNA evidence; increasing law enforcement resources by supplying additional funds to clear up lab backlogs; and finding less time-consuming and costly testing methods. Includes text and pdf links. Victor Walter Weedn and John W. Hicks, NIJ Research in Action, June 1998. 14pp. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Using DNA to Solve Cold Cases
This NIJ Special Report serves as a practical resource for law enforcement personnel who review old, cold, or unsolved cases that may be solved through the use of DNA technology and databases. The report looks at the science and technology of DNA testing and databases and provides background information on legal and practical considerations for applying DNA technology to unsolved cases. It also delivers a step-by-step process to help investigators select cases that would most likely be solved with DNA evidence. National Institutes of Justice. October 2002. (Last checked 09/08/05)
Violent Crime Scene Analysis: Modus Operandi, Signature, and Staging
An article appearing in the Feb. 1992 issue of FBI Law EnforcementBulletin by John Douglas and Corinne Munn.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Virginia Division of Forensic Science
Papers and Publications
Use the site index to find papers and publications on topics such asBreath Alcohol, Controlled Substances, Firearms & Toolmarks,Forensic Biology, Forensic Toxicology, and Trace Evidence.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Visible Proofs : Forensic Views of the Body
The National Library of Medicine has created a site about forensic medicine. Not for the squeamish, this site delves into autopsies, anatomical specimens, and body decomposition. There are 15 forensic cases presented for your investigation, biographies of people who were instrumental in developing processes such as fingerprint identification and toxicology, and other technologies of forensic medicine. Three online activities and three lesson plans introduce forensic medicine, anthropology, technology, and history.
(Last checked 09/08/05)
What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence
With the exception of identical twins, every person's DNA is different—this has made DNA samples one of the most important pieces of evidence from crime scenes. What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence describes the need for investigators to have fundamental knowledge about identifying, preserving, and collecting DNA to help solve cases. This NIJ brochure also discusses CODIS (COmbined DNA Index System), an electronic database of DNA profiles that can identify suspects. September 1999. (Last checked 09/08/05)
When a Lab Gets It Wrong
Source: The Washington Post, Sunday, June 15, 1997; Page C08. Ifthis link goes dead, it can be obtained elsewhere.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Why Files on Forensic Science
(Last checked 09/08/05)
WWW Virtual Library: Forensic Toxicology
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Yahoo's Forensic Science Links
Contains numerous links broken out into the following categories:
Companies, Events, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Odontology,Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Toxicology,Institutes, Laboratories, and Organizations.(Last checked 09/08/05)
Zeno's Forensic Science Mailing Lists
(Last checked 09/08/05)
Zeno's Forensic Page
Contains numerous links to general forensic science information,forensic science web links, forensic medicine web links, forensicpsychiatry-psychology sources and forensic accounting. Courtesy ofZeno Geradts, a forensic scientist in the Netherlands.(Last checked 09/08/05)
State University Libraries.
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